viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

a country that i want visited

if i could choose, i would visit Austria, i can give many reason, but really: i have wanted to visit Austria for a girl that i knew some time ago in Bolivia, and we stayed together for few weeks in Bolivia and Chile. I really love this girl, i promess to her that i would visit her some day. But i dont know now, because the world gives many rounds...
she told me that we work like a shephers in Alpes, only me and her, and many goat. The work is for a spring season, because in this time grass grownd and goats can feed. oh.. and certainly, the pay is very good.
But its not so magic and easy like it sounds, the work is very hard -she told me-, you must know about animal desases and their behavior. And of course, i must learn German lenguaje too. One time i try to learn, but is not easy. I think that i must learn inglish first.

When i think about this... my heart acelerates, and i dont understand why i am in Chile yet, in a computer room with a lot of heat. The alpes must be really beatifull...

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite movie

my favourite movie is "2001: space odisey".
it is a 1968 epic science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick. The story is about a series of encounters between humans and mysterious blackmonoliths that are apparently affecting human destiny. The first encounters was when the apes evoluting and converted in human been. Now, in the space era, the blackmonoliths is found in a moon, in the moment that send a powerfull signal to the jupiter. Nobody know what will find, but the long travel to jupiter are started.

The film explores the evolution jump of the history acoording the purpuses of cosmos. The origin of human race is only the fist step, now what be found in jupiter is no less that the door of spacetime and stars, is the born of new gods. In the artur clark books this point is more clear that in the movie, why the last scene in movie is only a lot of sicodelics vortex of ligth.         

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

summer class

i think that is very bored have class in summer, specially english in the fridays to the 6pm. when everyone is free in the pastures, drink and smoke something...  but is OK, this is mi last semester, i have to do it.
I only lack 3 subject: art archaeology, ethnography and seminar, seminar is like my thesis design. I want to make about territoriality in "Chinchorro", the world`s oldest momies (7000 years before present), though study the kinship relation with ADN, ADNm and skull-metric methods. I thinks than diferent sincronic ways of prepare the death is correlates whith diferent linages. Is very interesting topic for me, so is don`t so terrible have class in summer.
And however, i hope that my friends wait for my whit something for a drink or smoke in a pastures. its necessary for escape to the warm.


martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

My favorite dish

My favorite dish is baked potato in the remaining fathom of a bonfire, hopefully with white cheese and spicy chili sauce. This dish is delicious and very simply to make in outdoor, after to the share meeting around to the fire, when charcoal fire off and only remain fathom, you must open one space into the fathoms and leave potato in here, then you must cover this and just wait.
After 10 to 15 minutes, you search and save your potatoes into the fathoms, whit careful for not burning because they are been very hot. You don’t must remove the shell, the baked potato is delicious at all, and you can ate without more, how you can see, is really easy food. You can accompany this with salt and butter. 

But, if you want something really delicious, you can accompany your potatoes with a piece of cheese and spicy chili sauce to taste. This is my favorite dish. The potatoes are very tasty with spicy sauce, and the with cheese help to support the spicy. So, you can enjoy a very spicy sauce without suffer.
The best of this dish it`s simplicity, generally is hard and stressful coking in outdoor, on a bonfire, but this meal you can make really easy, and even if is night and dark.  Also, you don’t dirty anything, you don’t wash latter.
I have very good memories of this dish, especially why you can enjoy with friend around the fire, talking or playing music, while us only wait that potatoes cocking by itself.
Is wonderful!

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

The sand`s mandala

This photographic, show us the sand`s mandala.  A mandala is figure with sacred geometry for the Buddhism, have very axis of symmetry, like when we see into the kaleidoscope. The Hinduism have similar figures, but only whit straight lines, they called Yantras.
 The sand`s mandala, how they name indicates, is make with sand, with sand of very different colors. Formerly the powders to elaborate sand mandalas were prepared with semi-precious stones. Was used for blue lapis lazuli, rubies for red, etc. It is now prepared with marble dust stained and-sometimes-with fine white sand beach.
Is make for a few buddhist monk elected for a dalai lama, in the ceremony of the KalaChakra (wheel of time). This monk has this complex figure internalized in their minds. Only need meditate for visualize.
The sand`s mandala, is make up in a very ritual context. Before they begin they preparation, have place a ceremony to consecrate the place by invoking the enlightened beings. Then, they begin to draw with lines that serve as guide for placing the sand. All this is learned by heart and is based closely on the Buddhist scriptures; there is no way for error or improvisation.

Then they start to put the sand from the center toward the edges, symbolizing the fact that at birth we are just a drop of sperm and egg, and we are evolving until the whole universe is perceived through the senses. When the mandala is finished and it's time to dismantle it, the sand is collected from the edges to the center, representing how the death returned back to the primary source in the center of our hearts.
This is it:

This long ceremony is realized for the Dalai Lama, and receives 500.000 pilgrims. For the 10 days that last.  

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

my favourite piece of technology

I’m not very hi-tech or fanatic of the technology, really i don’t interested to need a hi-tech piece. But my mp3 players make my diary travels more pleasant and short. I think that I begin to need him, because I miss him when don’t have with me or are downloaded. They design is so simple that him name is “zen stone”.
My mother give me this piece some time ago, and i´m really surprised when discovery they operation. A simple view it’s a simple mp3 player, with only 2 GB of capacity, but that has the option of speaker when the headphones are unplugging. This characteristic makes its him very special for me, because i can listen good music whit friend when we are outdoors. Piece of this type is very valued in work in a archaeological sites, because is the only form that we can listen music, in sites don’t have electricity and use headphones don’t allows listen whit us.  The sound of this mp3 player speaker´s is better indoors, but if you stay in outdoors, you must put the mp3 player in a hat, pot, jar or box… and the sound is amplified.
If i loss this piece of technology, would me cost much effort accustom to don’t listen music, but I achieved anyway.  The silent is not bad.  

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

The Music that fix me.

I`m really like music. I listen very different music from very different ages. But depend of my state of encourage.
When I´m happy listen much the Beatles, all they ages. In general make me remember a lot of good times. The 80`s music make me remember the school time. In special the Cure, the Smith and Blondie. With these groups I descover the good music.
But, when im really sad don’t like much the "happie" beatles. Only like me the little songs that are sad too, like "i`m only sleeping". I feel that this song understand me when I don’t want stand up from the bed, and this fact help to fix me when I am down. This song really help me when mi brother death.

When I have rage for sad of love, Violeta Parra and Carlos Gardel are great. In specially whit a box of red wine in a hand. Carlos Gardel make me remember my father when I don’t see them, and Violeta Parra how cruel may be the love, in special "Maldigo del alto cielo" or "Gavilan". The Cure have many melancholy song too, “pictures of you” is perfect for the wine too.
But general, i`m opened for all types of music, or almost.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Vere Gordon Childe (1892 - 1957)

This person is the more important archaeologist of the history, who was introducing the TMarxism Materialism (their philosophy, epistemology and method) into the archaeologist discipline (recent born in his time). Its thank for this men that archaeologist is a science
            He is a very controversial and active politic man in a URSS, but they importance for the archeologist and the anthropology in general, is that from Marx`s ideas, he can explain the nature of the social chance. Assuming that the changes in a infrastructure (agriculture development for example) triggers changes in a superstructure (social organization). However, he take distances from Marx because no accept that contradiction of a social class as an instrument of social change.

            He proposes that the change of the Paleolithic to the Neolithic is as a revolution; this is her famous theory’s of the “Neolithic Revolution” and “Urban Revolution. And for this, he is recognized as a major contributor to the field of sociocultural evolution.
             He is so important that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas make a reference to him in a blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008).

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Baraka is a very particular movie, because it can show a very deep and coherent story  without dialogues. In all this movie, no words are pronounced, it is purely visual and musical.

The word “Baraka” means “bless” in Hebrew and Arabic languages. And this point is crucial to understand the plot of this movie.

Baraka shows incredible images, the progress of the human species, but relativizing. The first images, the point of start of story is a monkey that takes a relax in a thermal water in the middle of a snow, he is surrounded by snow. This scene shows us how simple life can be. And then it shows how the human life, to measure that increasing distance whit the spirituality, is more and more complex and has less and less sense.