viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

books are good

I have no idea what the first book that i read is, i only have so far images. I remember only the picture that one caterpillar, i guess that a caterpillar be the protagonist in the history, but i dont remember anything of the story. probably i was only few years old at this time. The first book that i captured the story is “camilon comilon”, is the story of a little pig that runs around the world visiting friends that each one give to him something to eat, in the end of story camilon has a lot of foods. This book has many pictures too.
Now, my favorite genre of books –and films- is science fiction, those which are about the space, like a “2001, space odisey” of Arthur Clark, or “Solaris” of Stanislav Lehm, or “las cosmicomicas” of Italo Calvino. Solaris, in a different way from 2001, is like a pesimmistic view of the posibility of the contact and communication with intelligences from other places of the cosmos. If in 2001 this posibility is concreted and the end is magnific, in Solaris the humanity tries again and again to communicate with the oceans of solaris, ¡this oceans is alive!, and in fact it tries to comunicatig with the humans too, but all attempts are absurd…  the scientist begin to be insane.
The Cosmicomicas is a very funny book, the protaginist are entities that exist from the origin of the cosmos and described, with a lot of scientific rigor, these lifes in different moment of development of the cosmos. This way, “Qfwfq” (the protagonist and the narrator), tells about how the life was in times before the big bang, all in one point, or when the hidrogen atoms begin to appear, and play wiht this like a pellets game, or how the effects of gravity comes to changes his lifes. It is really funny.